Jennifer’s Body is a horror comedy film featuring an all-star cast. The film didn’t make a solid impact upon its release, owing largely to the marketing be...
420 drawings can be as cool and easy or as trippy as you’d like them to be. Whether you’re allowing your boundless thoughts to manifest onto a coloring pag...
Ludacris began a promising rap career back in the late ‘90s, becoming one of the first rappers from the South to really hit it big. So when you see a list ...
Booksmart hit the stage back in 2019 and instantly became a favorite among both critics and audiences. And if you find yourself yearning for more movies li...
There is something truly fascinating about the horror genre. While most people might associate horror with a series of cheap thrills and jump scares, a few...
Comedy movies are making a splash in 2022. Understandably so, seeing as movie-goers are quite ready to cast off the shackles of pandemics past and embrace ...
Stoner card games are the perfect embellishment to your stoner sesh. They’re quick and easy enough to set up and can be played with anything number of peop...
It doesn’t take much to craft a good smoke session: a perfectly rolled joint or two to indulge in and a group of people whose company you love. But if you’...
The stoner aesthetic is as unique as it is varied. It impacts everything, from music to art to movies and beyond. Its influence often goes without being no...
Being a stoner can mean many things. One of the major draws that get people interested in cannabis is its ability to open your mind up to the endless possi...