Cannabis Science

Benefits of a Weed Tolerance Break

rolling a blunt

People use weed for so many reasons. One of the most common reasons is to get high but people also use it for other health benefits. If you find yourself needing more and more weed to achieve your desired result, it may be time to take a weed tolerance break. Weed tolerance breaks actually have many benefits. We’re not telling you to stop using weed (forever) so before you close this tab, let me tell you what a weed tolerance break is and why you may need it. 

Photo: Unsplash

Why Do People Need Weed Tolerance Breaks?

A weed tolerance break is also known as a “T break” and simply means taking a break from using cannabis.

You may need a weed tolerance break if you built up a tolerance to weed. Building up a tolerance to weed means that you will experience reduced effects. Mostly, you won’t feel as high as you used to. 

When you use weed, cannabinoids including THC bind to the endocannabinoid receptors in your brain. THC in particular, binds to the CB1 receptor. As Healthline puts it, “If you ingest THC often, your CB1 receptors are reduced over time. This means the same amount of THC won’t affect the CB1 receptors, in the same way, resulting in reduced effects.” 

A 2012 study noted that there was a downregulation of CB1 receptors in daily cannabis users. That would result in those users developing a tolerance for weed.

Factors that Affect who Needs a Break

According to Healthline, the following factors determines how likely you are to develop weed tolerance and thus need a break:

  • Your biology
  • How potent the weed is
  • How often you use weed

Benefits of a Weed Tolerance Break

While tolerance is not always a negative thing, weed tolerance breaks can be pretty beneficial. Here are some of the benefits:

  • Reduces your risk of cannabis user disorder and cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome (CHS) – Chronic use of marijuana increases the risk of developing these conditions. Cannabis use disorder and addiction can lead to negative outcomes like loss of job etc. CHS, which refers to violent and severe vomiting because of weed may cause death. The risks of developing these conditions are linked to very frequent use and so taking a break can help to keep them at bay.
  • Reduce weed tolerance – This is the main benefit. If you take a break, you will be able to reduce your tolerance to marijuana and get back to the high you know and love. You also won’t need to use more and more weed to give you the high (or other benefits) you used to achieve with less.
  • Pass your test – Depending on the length of the break, you may be able to pass your tests. How often you use marijuana can sometimes determine how long it stays in your body. If you’re a chronic user, weed can be detected in your urine for over a month. It’s worth noting that the amount of time that marijuana will stay in your body depends on certain factors such as your metabolism. However, taking a break will definitely help your body rid of some of the residual THC.

Weed Tolerance Break Chart

The biggest question for many is: “How long should I take a break for?” Although there are many factors involved including your own unique body chemistry, your daily consumption is the clearest indicator. The weed tolerance break chart below should serve as a guide but by no means is the holy grail. At the end of the day, if you feel you need a break, even a relatively short one is better than nothing.

Weed Tolerance Break Chart (Source: Monroeblvd)

How to do a Weed Tolerance Break

If you’re planning a weed tolerance break, consider the following suggestions.

  • Determine how long you want to do the break – If you have a clear length of time in mind, you’re more likely to stick to it. There is no right answer as to how long it should be. According to Healthline, “There’s no solid data on exactly how long it takes for CB1 receptors to recover, so you’ll have to experiment a bit.” If you’re searching for a starting point, you can try a few days or a few weeks. Depending on how much cannabis you consume, you can also use the weed tolerance break chart as a guide.  
  • Find activities you want to do – It can definitely be hard to break habits. If you can, make sure you stay busy during your weed tolerance break. That way you won’t sit and think about using weed.
  • Prepare for withdrawal symptoms Yes, some of you may develop withdrawal symptoms such as irritability and headache. You may need over-the-counter medications. Just be easy on yourself. Now it’s a great time to practice some self-care. 

Alternatives to a Marijuana Tolerance Break

If you use weed for medical reasons then maybe taking a break may not a great idea. There are alternatives to a weed tolerance break that may help you. According to Healthline, you can:

  • Use only the amount of weed you need, avoid overindulging as tempting as it may be
  • Opt for products with more CBD than THC
  • Cut down on how often you use weed


A weed tolerance break has many benefits. Even though it may be hard, having a solid plan can really help you achieve your goal, whatever it is.


About Trevann

Trevann is Stoner Rotation’s Jamaica-based lead writer for the Science section of our cannabis blog. She graduated with honors receiving her Bachelor of Science degree in Molecular Biology from the University of West Indies, Mona. For the last three years, she has covered some of the biggest questions around cannabis and health underpinned with research from supporting studies, medical journals and scholarly articles. Got something on your mind? You can reach her at [email protected].